‪(971) 238-3056‬


Pride Up?

We are three friends who are inspired to stand up and have the courage to promote equality and change in the world in any way we can. Driven by the desire to help communities locally and nationally we formed Pride Up to show our support and have the ability to help marginalized and excluded groups through charity. We believe in living our truth and as a company we promote equality and value diversity.


Charles Peterson

By trade Charles is a seasoned UX Designer. He is the owner of a successful sporting apparel business Ultimate Team Gear with over 20 events on ESPN/SkySports as the official clothing provider.

Why Pride Up?
As a minority who is black, gay and a product of the foster care system in the USA I have faced adversity my entire life. I have also been on the side lines and reserved when it comes to my beliefs and who I am. As someone who doesn’t fit the stereotype I have realized it’s important for me to “live my truth” and be an inspiration to others who can relate to my life adversities.

What does Pride Up mean to you?
Pride Up is the action of being brave by standing up for and showing your support for causes in the world that promote equality and human rights.

Adam Stell

By trade Addam is a mental health therapist who moonlights as a dance teacher and performer. Fitness and wellness are crucial elements to the work Addam pursues as well as giving back to the community when able, through volunteer opportunities and donating performance works.

Why Pride Up?
I identify as a gay man who has benefitted from white privilege, not needing to stand up in defense or support of others. It is now the time, more than ever, to demand that everyone has a right to be heard, understood, respected, and welcomed. There’s too much division in our communities, and it is important for people to know that equity and inclusion will help us heal from where we have been, feeling marginalized and excluded.

What does Pride Up mean to you?
Pride Up is a way for me to use my voice to stand up for the causes I’m aligned with. I want to wear my support and support other nonprofits who are doing amazing work for marginalized groups. Pride Up is a mechanism for me to speak up and stand up.

Michael Minor

Mike is an analyst in the financial world. With almost 20 years in the industry, Mike sees first hand the economic impacts on people based on their life circumstances.

Why Pride Up?
As a handicapped individual that happens to be white, I get to see life through two different lenses. One lens is as a white male that has privilege and power, and a second lens that shows a group of people treated like 2nd class citizens. Because of this outlook, I find myself yearning for an opportunity to be an agent of social change.

What does Pride Up mean to you?
Pride Up is my opportunity to help start a conversation. It is a chance to show my support for causes that promote equality. Pride Up allows me as a handicapped individual that cannot go out and march in rallies, to show my allegiance to the social changes that need to happen.